Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fun Assignment.

This piece was done for an assignment in my basic photoshop class. Basically, we were to pick an artist whose style we admire and try to emulate it utilizing the tools we're learning in the class. In this style we were to design a character and create a landscape in which this character's story could be told. I chose Pascal Campion for his simple means of telling an entertaining story with emotive and likable characters. This is Joe. If you asked him he'd tell you there's nothin better than getting your hands greasy under the hood of an automobile. Brings a smile to his face, it does.


  1. SWEET CUZ!!!!

    this is really cool. The final product
    turned out awesome.

    keep it up man :)

  2. looking good. I could come up with a story easy enough. Nice work!

  3. You thought about illustration as a career?

  4. hey man this is great, really enjoyin' your blog.

  5. Hey this is cool...I told you in person but now I'm telling you online so it must be true.

  6. That is cool, man! I love reading your blog.

  7. Very nice. My father-in-law was that sort of way, he always smiling when he smelled like engine grease.

  8. Beautiful shapes! I love the excerpt
